In a shocking incident, the Taptiganga Express, carrying Hindu Maha Kumbh pilgrims from Gujarat to Prayagraj, was attacked by miscreants near Jalgaon, Maharashtra. The train, which was en route from Surat to Prayagraj, faced stone-pelting by unknown individuals, causing damage to the B6 coach. This sudden and unprovoked attack has raised concerns over the safety of pilgrims traveling to the Maha Kumbh Mela.
The stone pelters specifically targeted the B6 coach, shattering a windowpane and creating a sense of fear and panic among the passengers. Fortunately, no injuries were reported in the incident, but the attack has left the pilgrims shaken. The incident occurred as the train was passing through a relatively remote area near Jalgaon, making it difficult for immediate assistance to reach the affected passengers.
In response to the attack, the BJP government has promptly ordered a thorough investigation into the incident. Authorities are working to identify and apprehend the miscreants responsible for the stone-pelting. The government has assured the public that stringent measures will be taken to ensure the safety and security of all pilgrims traveling to the Maha Kumbh Mela. Enhanced security protocols and increased vigilance along the train route are being implemented to prevent any further incidents.
This attack on the Taptiganga Express highlights the need for robust security measures to protect pilgrims undertaking spiritual journeys. As the Maha Kumbh Mela is one of the largest religious gatherings in the world, attracting millions of devotees, ensuring their safety is of paramount importance. The swift response by the government and the ongoing investigation aim to restore confidence among the pilgrims and ensure a safe and peaceful pilgrimage experience.