The Proof

Release Date May 03,2024
Duration Unknown
Director I.Radhika
Box Office Unknown
Genre Drama,Thriller

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The Proof Story

The Proof is a Tamil movie that was released on May 3, 2024, and will also be released in Hindi and Telugu. The movie is about action and courtroom sequences, and stars Sai Dhanshika, Ashok, Riythvika, Indraja, Rudhveer Varadhan, Mime Gopi, Raja Simhan, Ashmitha, and Marimuthu. I Radhika is the writer and director, and Gomathi is the producer. 

The movie also features cinematography by Jason Williams, editing by Kamala Kannan, music by RK Dheepak, and stunts by Suresh Horse Babu.